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The term “gypsy” has been used throughout history in a pejorative way and is recognized by many members of the Dom community and researchers to be a derogatory term, particularly in Europe where they are known as the Roma people. Some members of Syrian society use the Arabic equivalent of the term, which is “Ghajar;” however, “Dom,” the equivalent of “Roma,” is also used.
As one of the ethnic groups that are most vulnerable to discrimination and persecution around the world, this community is considered a prominent ambiguous, diverse, and unrecognized group in Syria. They are known for practicing various professions, such as playing musical instruments, fortune telling, singing, and others; who are the Dom? So, what threat are we exactly facing? And what opportunity lies ahead? How can past mistakes be avoided? What is the most appropriate discourse style? This post seeks to address several issues that are directly related to ongoing social movement in Syria, in the hope of establishing a common ground on which everyone, as Syrians, can stand to engage in a meaningful discussion.

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