Aya Hajjeh

Towards a New Syria
In the middle of all of these overwhelming feelings of hope, disappointment, uncertainty, and fear, I remember the voice of my father saying, “All people have the government they deserve.” I became furious every time he said this. In his statement, I saw blaming the victim and undeniable accusation towards people living under some kind of political regime, as if they have brought it to themselves! But now, I say it with him and see hope, promise, and recognition that the actions of individuals can determine the destiny of all. So, what threat are we exactly facing? And what opportunity lies ahead? How can past mistakes be avoided? What is the most appropriate discourse style? This post seeks to address several issues that are directly related to ongoing social movement in Syria, in the hope of establishing a common ground on which everyone, as Syrians, can stand to engage in a meaningful discussion.

The Baron Hotel: A Relic in Time
The Baron Hotel has long been one of the most cherished sights in Aleppo. It is a window into the past and a gallery of the city’s culture and history. Since its establishment a little over a century ago, it has mirrored the highs and lows of Aleppo. But sadly, this iconic hotel officially closed down earlier this year. In this post, we pay tribute to the incredible history of this Aleppan landmark.