Carol Fares

Plastic Surgery in Syria

Beauty lies in diversity. Syrians in particular are no strangers to beauty, thanks to an eclectic past that has birthed some of the world’s oldest metropolises. We take pride in the beauty of our people, a beauty that is diverse. However, this does not seem to be the case in today’s Syria, as women, and even men, are pressured into trying to achieve an unreachable level of perfection. In the meantime, plastic surgeons and aestheticians are making a fortune off of botched procedures.

An Ode to Papa

This is my Papa, Bachar Almounajjed, and today marks 5 months since his passing. He was born on January 12th, 1952 in the neighborhood of Al Qemarriye, in Old Damascus…

Little Syria: Syrians’ First Home in the Western World

New York City is known for its diversity and multiculturalism, but few people know about the history of one of its earliest and most influential immigrant groups: the Syrians. In this article, you will learn about the origins, achievements, and challenges of Little Syria, the neighborhood that was once home to thousands of Syrians and other Arabs in Manhattan. You will also discover how Little Syria was erased from the city’s landscape by urban development, and how its descendants are preserving its memory and heritage today. Join us as we explore the fascinating story of Little Syria, the first home of Syrians in the Western world.

Al Khattabeen: The Degrading Influence on the Self Esteem of Young Female Adults

Exploring the complex traditions of Syrian weddings, the article delves into the role of ‘Khattabeen’ in arranging marriages, highlighting the cultural nuances and challenges faced by women in these traditional practices.

They Don’t Represent Us Syrians!

We have increasingly come across this intolerant phrase that’s thrown around carelessly as though it is an undeniable fact. What are the reasons for this and what is an example you have come across yourself?

Al Hakawati (The Storyteller) : A Theatrical Phenomenon & Important Element of the Intangible Syrian Heritage

The story behind Al Hakawati (The Storyteller) has a long and rich history. It is an art form that has been present across numerous cultures, but which evolved differently in relation to the local context’s ideals and beliefs. In Syria, Damascus particularly, the tradition of The Storyteller is considered one of the most remarkable folk arts and a valuable intangible heritage amongst the Damascene people.

Suicide & Underage Marriage in Syria

Child marriage was prevalent in Syria even before the war, but it has remarkably increased over the last few years recently reaching to a high of 41% in 2021. 16…

The Levantines on the Titanic

With suitcases full of their precious belongings as well as dreams of a better life, over 100 Syrian/Levantine passengers boarded the Titanic. Most of them had all their life savings with them, and one lady even brought yogurt-starter so she could make her Levantine recipes once her family arrived on the new continent.
In the 1997 movie “Titanic”, there was a brief glimpse of an Arabic speaking family and the word “Yalla!”, meaning “come on” or “hurry”, was heard, as an ode to the Levantine passengers, the vast majority of whom were Christians.

Silk: A Syrian Heritage

Silk represents an essential part of Syrian culture. Several Syrian proverbs and family names came to be due to the prevalence of silk in the lives of Syrian people. The silk industry in Damascus was in huge demand for centuries. Thanks to its convenient geographical location, Damascus was the epicenter of trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Gulf. Foreign merchants from across the world would pay a visit to the region specifically for these magically handwoven textiles. In the Arab Gulf countries for example, particularly the UAE, Syrians have gained a reputation for textile and silk manufacturing.

The Unconventional Work of Nizar Qabbani

Nizar Qabbani is a revolutionary and iconic figure in Syrian history. Despite his controversial works, he earned the love and respect not only of Syrians, but the entire SWANA region. Challenging many traditional views and practices of Syrian society, he obtained his status by being his authentic self and writing personal, touching bodies of work that spoke to many.