Nabih Chamas

Secularism in Syria

Information that we hope is spread far and wide, as we witness the wildfire spread of false and even dangerous ideas about secularism within Syrian society. Awareness is the most important step and even a weapon. With the rapid changes we witness as Syrians, we must work together to reject exclusionary speech and which may even foster and support eventual violence against a segment(s) of society through misinformation and lack of dialogue. We must work together to build safe spaces that foster dialogue and which altogether eliminate the concept of “majority/minority groups”, working together as Syrians equally with all our differences across social standing, religion, and ethnic backgrounds.

Damascus, Once the World Leading Centre of Astronomy

In the 14th century, Syria had two of the most notable astronomers who contributed to the world of astronomy and the Syrian Muslim community. Al Khalili came up with tables that would determine the times of the five prayers for Muslims in Damascus. On the other hand, Ibn Al Shatir created a sundial to install in the minaret of the Umayyad Mosque. Both Al Khalili and Ibn Al-Shatir left behind inventions and creations that would later influence the work and findings of world astronomers who came after them.

The Art of Mockery

Known to be a prominent strength in the Syrian (and Arab) community, mockery is the act of diminishing a serious matter by making it appear feeble, trivial, or even insignificant….

Violence of the Currency Crisis

“I don’t know how Syrians are surviving.” People have been uttering this sentence for over two years. For over two years, the prices of goods and services have been growing,…